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Words and Phrases To Say Instead of Swearing


It doesn’t matter how unique and varied your vocabulary is, at one time or another you’ve dropped a swear word. Be it after stubbing your toe or when your favorite sports team loses, there are many valid reasons for dropping a naughty word. And while the occasional f-bomb is understandable, you don’t want to be known as the person who swears like a sailor. Using profanity or swearing can be offensive in some situations, especially in formal settings or around children and people who are a little more sensitive to expletives, like your partner’s parents. The good news is there are many words and phrases to say instead of swearing like a trooper.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with swearing, it isn’t always necessary in your daily conversation. If you are talking to your work colleagues about what you did on the weekend or sharing a story about children, you probably don’t need every second word to be fuck or shit. But if you truly feel the need to swear, the good news is there are plenty of great substitute words you can use to express your frustration, anger, or surprise without using offensive language. These less provocative words still allow you to still get your point across, just without offending anyone.

Below are some of the most common swear words and great examples of substitute words, along with a list of other words and phrases you can say instead of swearing. Hopefully, you can insert these words into your conversations and save any embarrassing moments where swearing might get you in trouble.

Alternative Expressions To Say Instead of Fuck



Fuck is up there as one of the most common swear words regularly said by people. It’s believed the word didn’t originate until sometime in the 15th century and was first used by the Germans or the Dutch. Since then it’s become one of the most popular words in the English dictionary, with the Merriam-Webster dictionary defining the word as “to engage in coitus.”

These days the word fuck is heard in movies and TV shows, used in books and magazine articles, and part of everyday conversations. There are several ways it can be used, from talking about sexual intercourse to being used as a cuss word to call somebody out. It may be one of the most widely used curse words in the English language, but not everybody is a fan, which is why we’ve come up with some great alternatives.

Instead of dropping the four letter word, why not say “fudge,” “frick,” or “flipping.” For example, if someone has done something to annoy you, instead of saying “You’re fucking out of line mate,” why not try “You’re flipping out of line mate,” or “You’re fricking out of line mate.” It’s a subtle difference but one that gives your words less of an edge. You can even use the abbreviation “WTF” instead of saying the words “What the fuck.”

Alternative Expressions To Say Instead of Shit


Fida Olga/Shutterstock

Shit is another swear word that only came into existence a few hundred years ago around the turn of the 16th century. It appears to have been a taboo word as it was rarely used in publications, with not even the great William Shakespeare using the word in his prose, and he was a man who loved an insult as much as the next person.

Similar to the word fuck, there are many different ways to use the word, but they can all be seen as offensive. When it comes to alternatives, the easiest is crap, which is like a soft version of shit. Then there are other similar sounding words that also work, such as “shivers,” “shoot,” “darn,” “crud,” “damn,” and “dang.”

An example of using one of these words instead of shit would be saying something like “He had a cruddy game” instead of “He had a shit game.” Sure, it might not be as explosive but at least you won’t offend anyone nearby with sensitive ears.

Alternative Expressions To Say Instead of Bitch



Some of you probably don’t think “bitch” to be a swear word, but considering how its meaning has shifted over the centuries, we think it’s worth a shout. Originally a term that described a female dog, the word was first recorded during the 14th century, although it’s believed to have been used for centuries prior. With links to Hindu and German languages, it wasn’t until the 1500s that the meaning of the word changed, with bitch being used to describe a sexually liberated woman. The meaning changed again in the 1900s when bitch became a word used to describe an annoying woman.

The word went mainstream in the 80s when rappers began using it as a derogatory term for women. There was a slight shift in the late 90s and 00s when the word evolved aging, with people using it as an endearing term, or when Britney Spears used it as a way to announce her return with the phrase “It’s Britney Bitch!” Women have even tried to reclaim the word, although with varying degrees of success. The Vice article “The Evolution of the Bitch” gives a great rundown of the word’s history if you want to find out more.

At the end of the day, bitch is still a misogynistic word that really has no place in the English language, although that doesn’t stop people from using it. When it comes to alternatives, many of the words are just as offensive. Your best bet is just to stop saying bitch, or if you really feel the need, instead of saying something like “Suzy is a real bitch,” try “Suzy is a real savage” or “Suzy is a real rogue.” Another common phrase is “Son of a bitch,” which can be easily changed to “Son of a gun.”Sure, it doesn’t have the immediate impact of the word bitch, but at least it’s user-friendly.

Alternative Expressions To Say Instead of Cunt


Tero Vesalainen/Shutterstock

Of all the swear words in the dictionary, cunt is by far the most offensive. A word used to describe a woman’s vagina, the word is vulgar and nasty and not one you probably use on a daily basis. Despite all this, the word cunt has been part of the English language since the 1200s, when it appeared as part of the street name “Gropecunte Lane” in London’s red light district.

While some say it comes from the Latin word cunnus, meaning “sword sheath,” there are those who say cunt is another word that originated from the Germanic and Scandinavian languages. Wherever it comes from, the word is extremely rude but one that people love to say due to its taboo nature. There is really no need to ever use this word, as there are multiple options that can be said. “Vagina” is the most obvious and probably the only other word that doesn’t sound creepy. You can use words like “pussy,” “twat,” “snatch,” or “slit,” but let’s be honest, they all sound rather crude. Your best bet is not to use the word at all, and if you really need to mention a women’s nether region, just call it a vagina like an adult.

Clean Ways to Vent Your Frustration



Now that we’ve looked at some of the most used swear words and their similar alternatives, here is a wide range of words and phrases you can use for any and all bad words. These are words and phrases you can say around children without fear of them learning a new swear word or drop into conversation when speaking with your religious neighbors and not having to worry about them getting offended.

  1. Sugar
  2. Jeez
  3. Holy smokes
  4. William Shatner
  5. Cheese and crackers
  6. Poo
  7. Sea monkey
  8. Darnit
  9. Six and two is eight
  10. Flaming hell
  11. Balderdash
  12. Loggerhead
  13. Feck
  14. Shoot
  15. Jimmy Crickets
  16. Snickerdoodle
  17. Dagnabbit
  18. Snap
  19. Barnacle
  20. Merlin’s beard
  21. Frag
  22. Bubble face
  23. Idiot
  24. Mac and Cheese
  25. Crud
  26. Fiddlesticks
  27. Son of a gun
  28. Dagnabbit
  29. Fudge
  30. Shucks
  31. Gee willikers
  32. D’oh
  33. Frick
  34. Holy cow
  35. Judas Priest
  36. Bullspit
  37. Shiver me timbers
  38. Great Scott
  39. Son of a motherless goat
  40. Jumpin’ Jiminy
  41. Flipping hell
  42. Sufferin’ succotash
  43. Good night
  44. Fraggle Rock
  45. Shut the front door
  46. Egad
  47. Tarter sauce
  48. Gadzooks
  49. Schnikes
  50. Honey sticks
  51. Barbra Streisand
  52. Gee whizz
  53. Jerkwad
  54. Son of a drunken cow
  55. Jeepers
  56. Son of a bucket
  57. Gosh darn it
  58. Drat
  59. Wowser
  60. Oh, ship
  61. Suffering succotash
  62. Crikey
  63. Fart knocker
  64. I don’t give a Donald Duck
  65. Blimey
  66. Go lick a frog
  67. Malarkey
  68. Fork me
  69. Galloping gremlins
  70. Mothersmucker
  71. Corn nuts
  72. Holy guacamole
  73. Ay, caramba
  74. Richard
  75. Buzz off
  76. Poo on a stick
  77. Dillweed
  78. Bogus
  79. Leapin’ lizards
  80. Son of a biscuit
  81. For Pete’s sake
  82. Mother of pearl
  83. Shucks
  84. Fish paste
  85. Golly gee
  86. Pluck it
  87. For coughs and cold
  88. Yuck fou
  89. Frozen yogurt
  90. Mother flunker
  91. I don’t give a flying flop
  92. Geez Louise
  93. Damnit
  94. Son of a nutcracker
  95. Freaking dunderhead
  96. Jessie James
  97. Cow paddy
  98. Dingdong
  99. Carnage
  100. Holy sans
  101. Fruit loops
  102. Son of an overgrown flower
  103. Kiss my caboose
  104. Fool
  105. Dish licker
  106. Fudding hell
  107. Maggie May
  108. Sugar honey ice tea
  109. For the love of money
  110. Hells Bells
  111. Rubbish
  112. What the heck
  113. Sugar dumplings
  114. Holy smoke
  115. Get a grip
  116. See you next Tuesday
  117. Holy coffee
  118. Christopher Columbus
  119. Pinhead
  120. Mother trucker
  121. What the French toast
  122. Pickles
  123. Good gravy

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